InlineTweet.js allows you to easily create tweetable links out of any text on a webpage. Just wrap the tweetable text in a container with data-inline-tweet
and you're good to go!
UPDATE: You can now use InlineTweet.js in Wordpress with this new plugin! (Check it out)
Download the file from here and include it in your webpage.
<script src="path/to/inline-tweet.min.js"></script>
Wrap the tweetable text in a container element of your choice (span
recommended) with the data attribute, data-inline-tweet
<span data-inline-tweet>Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success</span>
You can add more data attributes to cutomise the tweeted output -
— Add a twitter username (without the @) to append to the tweet data-inline-tweet-tags
- Add hashtags to the tweet (comma-separated, no spaces)data-inline-tweet-url
— Tweet a URL different to the current page url<span data-inline-tweet data-inline-tweet-via="ireaderinokun" data-inline-tweet-tags="webdesign,webdev,js,yolo" data-inline-tweet-url=""> Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success </span>
Add the following styles to your stylesheet -
[data-inline-tweet] a { text-decoration: none; color: #000; } [data-inline-tweet] a span { border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(0,172,237); font-style: italic; margin-right: 10px; } [data-inline-tweet] a:hover span { background-color: rgba(0,172,237,0.1); color: rgb(0,172,237); }
Made with by @IreAderinokun