Hello, World!
Hello, World!
2nd March | Life
I was born on a Saturday morning in Lagos, Nigeria.
Graduated Primary School
Graduated Primary School
I finished primary school! I attended St Saviours, a British primary school in Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.
Discovering Technology
Discovering Technology
Around this time we got dial-up internet and I was introduced to a whole new world! I started playing this online game, Neopets and became addicted pretty quickly.
My First Website!
My First Website!
As part of my Neopets obsession, I created my first website! It was a fan page for the website and was pretty awful. It featured scrolling text, view counters, iframes, and all that good stuff. Unfortunately, the files are long gone...
Career Crisis (Part 1)
Career Crisis (Part 1)
My first of many "what am I going to do with my life?" crises. I knew I liked making websites, but this was not a viable career option at the time (at least in Nigeria) and so I was advised against it by my parents. I fell out of it for a while and started doing other things..
Climbed Mount Cameroun
Climbed Mount Cameroun
March | Life
As part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, myself and some classmates climbed Mount Cameroun, which is the second tallest mountain in Africa. It was incredibly scary, but it helped me realize that I could accomplish anything if I really wanted to.
IGCSE Program
IGCSE Program
July | Education
I graduated from the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Sedcondary Education) Program with 4 As, 3 Bs, and 1 C. I attended British International School, Lagos, Nigeria.
Moved to the UK
Moved to the UK
September | Life
I moved to the UK to study for the International Baccalaureate Program. My family has strong ties to the UK, so it was not too much of a culture shock.
Small Graphic Design Projects
Small Graphic Design Projects
I started getting back into art and design, and did some small projects for various societies at school. Although I was not really good, it was fun!
Hiking Around Wales
Hiking Around Wales
Another hiking trip for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This time, it was a three-day hike around Wales. It was also the first time I experience snow, which was not so great considering I was sleeping in a tent outside!
IB Diploma
IB Diploma
I graduated from the International Baccalaureate with - HL Psychology (6), HL Biology (6), HL English Literature (5), SL Economics (7), SL French (5), SL Math (5). (Scores out of 7). I attended an American School in Surrey, England.
Sade's List - Another First Website
Sade's List - Another First Website
This was my first website in a long time. I was still learning how to create good design and my code was pretty terrible! But I was rediscovering my interest.
Dad Passed
Dad Passed
14th June | Life
My dad passed away from cancer.
Career Crisis (Part 2)
Career Crisis (Part 2)
Another career crisis. I was about to graduate in a year and had no idea what to do. So I decided to do a masters degree in Law.
BSc Experimental Psychology
BSc Experimental Psychology
I graduated from my undergraduate degree with a 2:1 from the University of Bristol!
I Like Dance
I Like Dance
I have always enjoyed dance, and was able to rediscover it at uni. I did Belly Dancing and Ballet (and still do).
Career Crisis (Part 3) - Revelation
Career Crisis (Part 3) - Revelation
I met another student who was studying Computer Science. I had no idea this was a thing! I was really jealous, which made me realise what my real passion was. So I decided to pursue this career once I finished my masters.
I joined Codecademy and started doing their lessons whenever I had free time (which was not a lot, considering my degree)!
Sade's List Redesign - Better, not Great
Sade's List Redesign - Better, not Great
I decided to try to redesign the site I did from a few years ago. Although my aesthetic had improved a lot, it still was not great.
"Javascript & jQuery"
MA Law
MA Law
July | Education
I graduated from my postgraduate degree with a Merit from the University of Bristol!
Going Freelance
Going Freelance
July | Life
As soon as I graduated, I started taking on freelance work, making websites for family and friends.
"Github for Web Designers"
"Javascript Essential Training"
"Wordpress: Building Themes from Scratch"
"Web Project Workflows with Gulp.js, Git, and Browserify"
"Javascript and AJAX"
July/August | Education
I took two courses at Steer : "Website Design" and "Javascript & jQuery"
Supper Club
Supper Club
July | Project
As part of the Steer Web Design course, I designed this website and logo. Read more about this project.
Fusion Kelvar Lab
Fusion Kelvar Lab
August | Project
This is one of the first freelance projects I did. It was a simple one-page website, which I built using Jekyll. Read more about this project.
LE Retail
LE Retail
September | Project
This is one of my favourite projects. It started as a challenge, but now I love the design those restrictions enabled me to produce. Read more about this project.
Studio of Modé
Studio of Modé
November | Project
This is one of the bigger and more long-term projects I have worked on. It was a challenge both with respect to the design as well as the development aspects. The site was divided into two parts - an online portfolio, which I built on Wordpress, and an online shop, which I built on Shopify. Read more about this project.
"Foundations of Programming Essentials"
Started bitsofco.de
Started bitsofco.de
March | Project
I started writing a web development blog. My aim was to develop a more well-rounded education on web development, so each week I research little bits of code and try to explain them to my readers. I have had a really positive response, and one of my most recent articles, CSS Font Sizes Explained, was very widely shared. Visit the blog.
In order to improve my development skills, I have been doing more projects. One recent project is Payback, a web app based on the Instagram API. It allows users to find the people they follow on instagram that do not follow them back. View on Github.
Code School
Code School
"Shaping up with AngularJS"
OpenWriter Ghost Theme
OpenWriter Ghost Theme
April | Project
I decided to learn more about Ghost by creating a theme. The theme I created, "OpenWriter", is availabe for free on my github
April | Project
FormHack is a hackable SASS-based form reset. Although there are standard css resets for forms out there, I wanted to created one that I could easily customize for any site, without having to worry about cross-browser compatibility and differences.